Let’s Pretend

~Ride together imagination’s golden rocket
and the universe can be your playground.~

Battle for the Universe

Like two frenzied birds winging
madly from wire to bush,
bush to tree, tree to window ledge,
never lighting long enough
to celebrate the sun or be blessed
by the rain—time too short, mission
too demanding: a rescue needed here,
an insurrection to quell there,
a flight to the neighboring galaxy
to stem the forces of darkness
closing in on all sides.

Each incurs wounds lethal
for the ordinary man, but these
are warriors of indomitable will;
these are heroes of mythic proportion;
this is a battle for the universe.

In the end, no final victory this day,
only a mother’s insistent dinner call,
a boy’s reluctant capitulation,
and a grandfather’s solemn
commitment to their noble cause.

© 2010 Dennis H.Ference

9 thoughts on “Let’s Pretend

  1. Dennis,
    Wonderful! You take me back a few years. Many the evening we had to “finish saving the world after dinner”. Mom was so patient. Hopefully I’ll get to do it all again with the grand kids in a few years. Thanks for your warm and gentle words and the like on my blog.

    • Thanks for the comment. Hope to visit your blog again. When the time comes I’m sure you’ll find a unique and wonderful stirring of the imagination and creative juices in the company of grandkids. Peace! –Dennis

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