
(Every Christmas I am visited by nostalgia for the simpler, “purer” time when my children
and, later, grandchildren were more enthralled with the wrappings than the gifts.) 

Christmas Afterthought

a box lose its
magic or ribbon shed its
charm or is a child lured from won-
der and why does her angel not sound the

© 2006 Dennis Ference

Christmas Fire


The just-lit fire snaps and dances a sprightly dance,
while from the kitchen, a dissonant chorus of voices
reverberates into the last hesitant corners of quiet and calm.
Soon the festivity will all come together by the fresh pine
dressed in her holiday finest, here, next to the hearth.

But for the moment I am sumptuously alone. I settle,
coffee in hand, into a compliant, generous chair,
and smile a satisfied smile at the wooden soldiers
guarding the cascading pile of holiday spoils.

My eyes drift to the mantle, where candles, holly,
and pine cones intersperse with the latest of the grandkids’
frozen poses and smiles. How they have changed: newly
pierced ears; baby teeth multiplying; that recently assumed,
reluctant air.

In a minute or two, I will surrender solitude and reverie,
but not without the passionate sigh, not without the begrudging
nod to the transience of time turning the warm fires of our lives
into wisps of smoke escaping into some vaporous beyond.

© 2006 Dennis Ference

A Blessed Christmas to All

May the Christmas spirit of peace and love
touch all who read these words and
may the entire world find its way
to the healing Light
that longs to make us whole.

I will be taking a break from blogging for an undetermined length of time to retool and pursue other interests. I am grateful to all of you who have read this blog and shown support by your comments and likes. Blessings and peace! ~Dennis