
The reality of all life is, as it were, an unceasing dance on all levels of being, material, instinctual, psychic, and spiritual, in which every motion of the tiniest part, weaving patterns of exchange and transformation, affects the whole.

~ Helen M. Luke

Creation’s Garden


May your faith
wake from its dull repose
that you may walk again
Creation’s Garden
with wonder and awe
in witness to the Spirit
spilling itself out
lavishly in every direction–
royal rose and creeping thistle,
majestic eagle and miniscule mite,
sturdy oak, delicate fern,
stars, galaxies, oceans,
deserts and domains
unseen under the ground
where you light.

Yes, let yourself be sated
with the splendor and spectacle,
praise and gratitude bubbling
up in your breast.

But finally,…come to rest
in stillness and in silence
until moved with tears
at Love’s unrestrained
excess, you recognize
again for the first time,
the miracle you are.

© 2014 Dennis Ference

An Old Man Stands in Awe

   How majestic is your name in all the
                                                   Psalm 8:2

Lord, sometimes when I gaze
   at the sky,
time, which in these later years,
has come to move so quickly,
seems, all of a sudden,
to stand perfectly still.
And for just a moment
I rest at the edge
of endless possibilities,
and I am awed by the wonder
of all that has come forth
as gift from your hands.

How majestic the mountains,
how lush the carpets of green!
How powerful the moving waters,
how graceful the billowy clouds!
How vast the varieties of
   living creatures,
how splendid their mingling
   and mix!

And as part of all this glory,
here I stand with my brothers
   and sisters,
richly blessed
to know something about you,
privileged to discover
that we come from your love
to share in the spirit
that makes things to be.

How great are you
beyond all I can imagine!
How graced are we
whom you have made your own!

by Dennis Ference

© 2000 Liguori Publications

Taken from Psalm Prayers for Seniors by Dennis Ference. Available from Liguori Publications, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Itunes, and other ebook sources.

Wellspring of Goodness

(An excerpt from the inspirational blog of Bill Tonnis. Check it out at

The beautiful sunrise; Singing birds; Blue skies; The mind-boggling, expanding size of the universe; A warm hug; Laughter with a friend; The savory taste of your favorite food; The fragrant aroma of flowers; The emotional sounds of your favorite songs; The feeling you get when someone reaches out to you with compassion or forgiveness; What other sign do we need that there is a Loving Source behind it all? Why not drop any cynicism and simply believe? Deep down…there is a Love that refuses to let us go. It is the source of our deep yearning for unconditional acceptance and love. Abide in this never-ending wellspring of Goodness.

~Bill Tonnis