Set It All Ablaze

Gather the “stuff” of your life:
what you consider prime,
ordinary, and even waste.
Set it all ablaze into
a living fire fueled
by faith that does
not consume but simply
sheds light upon the All
of creation without judgement,
rejection or denial,
and you may begin, perhaps,
to know and love yourself
in new and wonderful ways.

© 2015 Dennis Ference
Photo: © 2014 Lily Brock

8 thoughts on “Set It All Ablaze

  1. This speaks to my heart, Dennis. It is exactly what I have been going through of late. I don’t see any recent posts from you and just want to say I am thinking of you and sending beautiful light. Hope all is well my friend ❤

    • Hi Lorrie. I’ll be tied up for quite a while with helping a family member to make some major changes. So blogging, for now, has to be on a back burner. Not sure whether I’ll return to it or not. Time will tell. Blessings and peace to you always. ~Dennis

      • Ah…Dennis. Your light will be missed…I hope it is only temporary. I send you beautiful energy and prayers that the challenges you and your family are facing will bring understanding and that you will all be bathed in love. I have felt that you were accelerating into such meaningful wisdom in your posts, and the addition of Lily’s photography was so beautiful…not only in sight…but in the connection the two of you have. Namaste, my dear friend. Many blessings ❤

    • Welcome to my blog. Glad you found me. In the simplest words, my inspiration is the movement of the Divine Spirit within. I try to be faithful to that movement in my posts.

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